Monday, April 18, 2011

The camera has been busy...

but the keyboard, not so much. Many pictures to load. So much thanksgiving. So much praise and worship. Such a blessed life. #24-My favorite boys ! #25-Sisters-cousins: My girls! #26-GrandBabyGirls in tutus.. need I say more?

#27-Leaves on the lilac bush.

#28-Jackets in a heap, shed at the beginning of the walk. Thank you God for warmth.

#29-"Tupperware" Messes!

Monday, March 14, 2011

#21 A "surprise blessing" due to arrive in August!

#22 Sunshine... always thankful for sunshine

#23 My GrandBabyBoy taking a rest time at Nana's... pretending to sleep!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#20 Cheapie, Walmart reading glasses.

#18 Anniversary dates to Red Lobster.. and

#19 Barnes and Noble, where I bought 19 books, none for myself, and got no grief from Steve about it!

#16 Twenty-six years of marriage

#17 To a man--wonderful, loving, and sometimes frustrating.. LOL

Monday, March 7, 2011

#14 The privilege of being allowed to worship you, Jesus. I am so unworthy.

#15. An awesome, sold-out-for-Jesus church to worship with, equally unworthy sinners, saved by Grace and full of Thanksgiving and Joy. Eucharisteo!!
#12 The gift of a surprise free day. Which led to....

#13 A clean bedroom.